They’re Back

You might have heard of the Young Cons. This past May, Josh Riddle ‘12 and David Rufful ’12 created a rap video in which they espoused their conservative views. They had no real ambitions for it, intending to show to friends and family. They put it up on YouTube.

Unexpectedly, it went viral.

It was linked to several places: The Huffington Post,, even the dailykos picked it up. Before long they were invited to appear on “Fox and Friends” as well as “Huckabee” (at about 3:30). The video has reached over 455,000 views as of this writing and the song even made it onto iTunes.

To be sure, not everyone’s reacted positively. Bill Maher, for example, slammed it. The Young Cons appear unfazed, however; they’re back and the production values have been bumped up several notches. This is their new video: “Power of the Individual” featuring Cole Hernandez.

The song hits iTunes this week, according to their web page. Also listed there are links to their Facebook page, Twitter, Youtube and MySpace.

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