Sorority Rush Begins

For the next week, expect to see groups of sophomore (and junior!) women walking around campus in heels and skirts – sorority rush begins today at 6:00 pm. Round 1, in which women are invited to short parties at all seven sororities, will last today and tomorrow, kicking off a week-long process that involves multiple rounds of “elimination”, a computer-aided mutual preference system to match women with houses, and roughly 15 cumulative hours of finger food and small talk. (The rush process for fraternities and co-eds is considerably less Byzantine; the former will begin and end this coming weekend, and the latter lasts for one evening at dates set by individual organizations.)

Fun fact: The Office of Residential Life informs us that rush is no longer officially referred to as rush; instead, the process is titled “Coed, Fraternity, and Sorority Recruitment.” Ho hum.

Elsewhere: Don’t wear a Che Guevara bikini [Picture #9] for round one, no matter how “casual” you are encouraged to be. Just don’t do it.

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