On the Warpath

The controversy surrounding the NCAA’s decision to ban the use of Indian team names and mascots from postseason competition continues, as Jaye La Vallee writes a stream of consciousness letter to the Daily Dartmouth and Kenneth Woodward weighs in on Opinion Journal.

Woodward notes that the NCAA’s decision to make an exception for UNC-Pembroke might

“clear the way for Dartmouth’s Big Green to restore its Indian mascot and team name, Indians, which the school dropped in 1969. After all, Dartmouth was founded by Eleazar Wheelock, a Puritan minister, for the purpose of providing “Christianization, instruction and education” for “Youth of the Indian Tribes of this Land. . .and also of English Youth and any others.” The college still offers a major in Native American Studies and since 1970 has graduated some 500 American Indians.”

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