Joe Trippi on Campus

Joe Trippi, the Diet Pepsi-powered brain behind Howard Dean’s failed presidential campaign will speak on a panel Friday afternoon on “Representation and Politics in the Digital Age.” While the “revolution” will not be televised, it is unclear if the event itself will be.

Conference on Cyber-Disciplinarity
May 13-14, 2005
(Note different locations)
Friday, May 13, 1:00 ? 4:00pm
Loew Auditorium, Dartmouth College
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1pm _Panel: Representation and Politics in the Digital Age_
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Joe Trippi Political Advisor

?The Revolution Will Not be Televised?

Lisa Nakamura Communication Arts / Visual Culture Studies, University of Wisconsin, Madison

?Subjects and Objects of Interactivity: Digital Racial Formation and Media Convergence?

Michael Curry Department of Geography, UCLA

?The Promise of Provenance: Networks, Narratives, and the New Model of

Object Management?

3:30pm – Reception, Kim Gallery

Saturday, May 14, 9:30am – 5:30pm

Filene Auditorium, Moore Hall, Dartmouth College

9:30 – coffee and pastries

10am _Panel: Freedom(s) and Access in the Digital Age _
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Jeffrey Rosen George Washington University Law School

?The Silver Bullet: Protecting Privacy and Security through Law & Technology?

Eszter Hargittai Department of Communication Studies, Northwestern University

“Digitally Connected Yet Worlds Apart”

David Phillips Department of Radio-Television-Film, University of Texas

?From Freedom to the Management of Personally Identified Information:

Toward a Political Economy of Privacy and Identity?

Noon – Lunch Break

1:30pm _Panel: Challenges to the Academy in the Digital Age_
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Michael Heim Freelance educator, Southern California

?Adventures of the CyberForum: A Cautionary Tale about Cyber-Disciplinarity?

Alan Liu Department of English, University of California at Santa Barbara

“The Humanities: A Technical Profession”

Geert Lovink Amsterdam Polytechnic/University of Amsterdam

?Mapping Critical Internet Culture: A Research Agenda?

3:30pm – Break

3:45pm _Panel: Visual Culture/Critical Praxis in the Digital Age_

Wendy Hui Kyong Chun Department of Modern Culture and Media, Brown University

“Intrusive Reason, or Fiber Optics and Pornography”

Ursula Frohne History and Theory of Art and Literature, University of Bremen, Germany

“Controlled Observation: Digital Technology and Visual Warfare?

5pm – Reception, Filene Lobby

An event scheduled in conjunction with the Cyber-Disciplinarity Humanities Institute

These events are free of charge, and open to the public.

Please send this announcement to all who may be interested.

Sponsored by The Fannie and Alan Leslie Center for the Humanities, The John Sloan Dickey Center for International Understanding, The Institute for Security Technology Studies, The Hood Museum of Art, The Department of English, The Department of Sociology, The Rockefeller Center, The Department of Government, The Department of Geography, The MALS Program, The Department of Film and Television Studies

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