Geithner ’83 to Publish First Book in May

On Tuesday, Crown Publishers announced that class of ’83 alumnus Timothy Geithner’s first book, a memoir titled Stress Test: Reflections on Financial Crises, will be released on May 13. In the book, Geithner will reflect upon many of his decisions as the 75th Secretary of the Treasury during the financial crisis, including explanations of the government’s response to major controversies like the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy and the AIG bonus scandal. This behind-the-scenes look into our government’s reaction to economic adversity will also include Geithner’s personal reflections on polarizing figures surrounding the crisis such as President Obama and former Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke, who plans on publishing a memoir about the crisis as well. Of the book Geithner says: 

“I hope this book will help answer some of the questions that still linger about the crisis. Why did it happen, and how did we let it happen? How did we decide who got bailed out? Why didn’t we nationalize more banks, or let more banks fail? How did we manage to convince the left we were Wall Street’s wingmen while convincing Wall Street we were Che Guevaras in suits? Why didn’t we do more (or less) about the housing market? Why didn’t we get more (or less) fiscal stimulus? Why isn’t the economy booming again? And what really happened with Lehman, anyway? Couldn’t we have put out the fire back then?

Needless to say, this will be a must-read come May.


-Julian McIntyre 

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