‘Unity’ slate sweeps executive committee seats

From the horse’s mouth:

HANOVER, NH – The Dartmouth College Office of Alumni Relations today announced that a record number of Dartmouth alumni voted to elect new leadership of the Association of Alumni (AoA) committed to ending a lawsuit against the College.

Every member of the “Unity” slate of candidates for the eleven-member executive committee was elected with approximately 60 percent of the votes cast. With 24,940 ballots cast, a record number of Dartmouth College’s more than 60,000 alumni participated in the election, approximately 38 percent.

“Dartmouth alumni have expressed their support for ending the lawsuit against the College and pursuing a more collaborative and productive approach to governance,” said David Spalding, Dartmouth’s Vice President for Alumni Relations, who was reelected secretary-treasurer of the Association.”The unprecedented participation in this year’s AoA election reflects the great passion alumni have for Dartmouth and their strong commitment to doing what’s best for its students.”

A great example of democracy killing itself. Thanks alumni!

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