Of Money and Majors

The Chronicle of Higher Education has recently reported on the results of a study by the US Census bureau which only serve to confirm what we all already knew. Namely, that if money is truly the only determining factor in choosing a college major, then Engineering is the best choice. With the highest median (78K annually) and the highest median peak (120K for petroleum engineers), Engineering majors clearly win the money game. The full results can be taken in quickly with a handy interactive graphic put together by the Chronicle.

Of course, if money is your only concern in choosing a major, you are probably not at a school like Dartmouth. With its commitment to the liberal arts, Dartmouth stands as an ideological bulwark against the growing tide of specialization and pre-professionalism in higher education. Though Dartmouth grads may earn among the highest median salaries mid career in the nation, Dartmouth’s distribution requirements ensure that even future petroleum engineers have engaged with the humanities at some level. For that we can be most thankful.

–Benjamin M. Riley

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