Hoochin’ It: A Dark Odyssey of the Soul

Thirsty staffers do the Big City.

Key moments included: a mysterious national security operative searching for the Mexican consulate, a pea-green staffer reacts with creepy glee to an assemblage of New Criterions, Michael Ellis’s own Sister Souljah moment, Kevin Hudak flies ‘off the chain,’ a sake ordering gone terribly wrong, an estranged ’06 with a crucial sense of humor and accompanied by a belligerent Fat Albert knocks back a few with the staff, a generous seersuckersuited saint, Nat Ward forgets about Dre, a receipt cum billet doux, Joe Rago loses his wallet but retains his rig, Stefan Beck is cruelly ambushed in his own home, James Judah taunts the Army Rangers, a bitchy waiter named William acts like a bitch, C. M. A. Kluender spars with hotel incompetents and charms a sommelier, The Review and J. Press revere the same classic cartoon.

And many more.

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