Frat-Free Friday?

I give this about a zero percent chance of working.

— Forwarded message from Christina F. Jimenez —

Tomorrow we have the chance to make a powerful statement about how we influence the fraternity scene on campus.


Hey ladies,

I urge you to inspire your members not to go to fraternities tomorrow night for Frat-Free Friday. Use whatever means necessary — threats, references to women’s lib, bribes, peer pressure — whatever it takes.

I know it’s hard for some to fathom not participating in frat life — but emphasize that it’s just ONE NIGHT and that it this is a quick and easy way for the men on this campus to realize that WE are an integral part of their social scenes and that we don’t have to take part when we have each other!!

Solidarity is key.
We represent organizations full of unique, diverse, INCREDIBLE Dartmouth women. Let’s show off just how UNITED we are.

Let’s really do this.

Please blitz your members, do what works for you and spread the inspiration!!!!!


*and the NAD House is totally allowed!!!
**Sig Delt is gunna rock!!!!!

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