Dartmouth Rundown

I’ve been a bit slow in blogging the past few weeks, as I’ve been driving home, starting work, etc etc. Here are a few items of note.

As pretty much everyone at the College expected, the search of Alpha Delta fraternity three days before commencement has yielded nothing. The investigation is ongoing, but for the time being AD seems to be off the hook.

In the ongoing Tubestock saga, the Town of Hanover has passed legislation that seems to effectively be the death knell for Tubestock. It takes aim at open containers on waterways, as well as “noisy and disruptive” outdoor events. It closes the loophole which formerly pinned liability solely on event organizers (Tubestock has never had an official organizing person or group) by holding all participants liable. The action comes on the heels of similar legislation passed by the State of New Hampshire at the behest of the Marine Patrol. Tubestock and Dartmouth were specifically cited in demonstrating the need for such regulations.

I would also propose that the PR office’s Dartmouth in the News website change its name to “Dartmouth in the News We Like.” It mentions neither the AP’s reporting of the police raid on AD (the ‘Animal House’ angle was very popular nationally), nor Tuesday’s extensive piece the the New York Time regarding the Alumni Constitution debacle. Quelle suprise. The Times piece has already been cited in several higher education publications; the national significance of both stories is tough to overestimate. While both admittedly draw attention upon the Plain for the wrong reasons, they at least merit acknowledgement.

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